Wahlman Productions - Lifestyle & Commercial Photographer

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Case Study_Photo Assignment in 1 Hour Flat!

Whether we want to admit it or not, the reality is that photo assignments don’t always give us all day to shoot, experiment, and get creative. This is why a good photographer has to be able to think on their feet, be decisive, and still get good shots even when there is little time.

I recently had a small shoot where Dr. Julie Hofstra needed a few simple shots for a small publication she was going to be in. It was supposed to be a mixture of some portraits and some ‘action shots’ of her working in her fume hood. The catch was I only had 1 hour with her. Not 1 hour after lights are setup; 1 hour from arrival to walking out the door. I took my camera bag and one speedlight with my 36” pop-up Octabox so that I’d have a quick setup. In that hour’s time I was able to get 53 shots (some of which are just different expressions of the same setup) and of those 53 shots here are some of my favorites.

Here is my point: a lot can be accomplished in a short period of time. Here is my second point: you have to practice off-court to perform well in game-time. You can’t shoot, learn your gear, try new things, etc. on commissioned photo projects! How well you practice in your down time will be reflected in how well you perform for clients on time crunches!