David Wahlman

Hey everyone, thanks for stopping by my website and taking a look through my work!

I LOVE this line of work and the ability to express my creativity on an almost daily basis. I’ve always been a creative person, even as youngster, which sometimes made me challenging to raise (sorry Mom!). I struggled to sit in one place most of the time and preferred to do my homework and chores in the most ‘creative’ and non-linear fashion. The upside is that my desire for variety and my constant challenging of convention has been my greatest asset for growing in my craft and my desire for knowledge even outside of my career. Photo, video, and animation is only one outlet of my creativity; when I’m not on the clock, you can find me tearing apart car engines, re-engineering parts, CAD designing and 3D printing, watching Youtube videos about all things physics, building custom computers, doing landscape design and manual labor, traveling, camping, and most importantly investing in relationships with family, friends, and neighbors.